Having the right mindset .

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Having the right mindset .

I can’t stress much on how important it is to have the right mindset. Having the right mindset is of great importance if you want to achieve your goals. You have to not only be able to see yourself as you have already achieved your goal, but you have to be able to feel it and believe in it.

If you can’t see, feel or believe that you can achieve your goal, then achieving your goal is almost impossible. To achieve, you must first believe but if you don’t believe, then how can you shift your thinking? Yes, you have in you to shift your thinking process. You have the ability and the resources you need to achieve anything you want – you just have to open your mind a little, imagine and visualize.

Let’s say your goal is to have a billion dollar empire / business for yourself

Imagine having it right now. What would you feel like if you had a billion dollar empire? What feelings are going through you? Close your eyes and visualize it , try to really feel it. Give that feeling a word and write it down.

Now, while still visualizing that you have a billion dollar empire right now, what would that look like for you? What is around you, what can you hear, what do you see? Give your picture a word or a sentence. write down exactly what’s you have visualised , feel every bit of your emotions.

Finally, consider your beliefs. What are your beliefs around your goal? Do you believe that you can achieve having that billion dollar empire? Ask yourself the question out loud and see how you respond. If you have a negative response, that’s okay, you can change it by converting this negative limiting belief into powerful and positive ones. Take some time and write it down.

If you are having a little trouble with your belief, write the opposite to your belief, and use that to keep your focus on.  Remember it has to feel right with you so word it in a way that feels right.

Now you have a list of words or sentences that you will use to create a statement or affirmation. Write a statement using the feelings, environment and beliefs that you came up with during the visualization exercise. Let’s say, for example, that you came up with the following:

  • I feel joy and excitement.
  • I hear laughter. I see my loved ones smiling as we all are abundant now. I see my bank statement with a large sum of savings.
  • I see myself featuring in top business magazine’s .

Now, using the words and sentences that you came up with, write your statement using positive language for e.g. I feel such joy that I can share my fortune with my loved ones. I came up with such a profitable business model that helped me making this billion dollar empire.

Once you have your statement using your key words, practice as often as possible, every day and night. Read your statement over and over, and really connect with the emotions, the feelings of having it now, in your hands, in your experience. The more you will read it and practice it this will get imprinted in your subconscious mind. And there you go with practice you become perfect and before you even know you have achieved your GOAL .

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